Treatment for Bone Loss

Bone grafting is a surgical treatment that is performed to reverse bone loss or enhance existing bone in areas that may be deficient. Bone grafting in the jaw is often used after tooth extractions or before dental implant placement. The treatment itself is quick and can be performed in our offices. A few months of recovery following treatment is required for the bone graft to fuse with your natural bone.

The bone that is used in your graft can either be obtained from a tissue bank or your own bone, which is usually taken from another area in your jaw. Your own bone growth may also be stimulated by grafting bone morphogenetic proteins, or BMPs, to the affected area.


When a tooth is missing, the jaw bone in that area will atrophy over time. Then, when you go to replace the missing tooth with a dental implant, there may not be adequate bone to support it. Bone grafts make more patients candidates for implant-based restoration by reversing bone loss and providing a stable foundation for the implants.


At Avon Oral, Facial and Dental Implant Surgery, we carefully analyze your bone health and determine the right type of grafting procedure to improve your oral health. Contact our offices in Avon, CT; Glastonbury, CT; or Enfield, CT, to learn more about bone grafting or to see if you are a candidate for dental implants.


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Types of Bone Grafting Procedures

Bone grafting is a common first step for dental implant patients. When teeth are missing, those areas of the jaw bone deteriorate, possibly leading to gum disease, further tooth loss, and other complications. Bone grafting ensures the jaw bone maintains proper integrity and remains strong enough to support any implant-based treatments.


All bone grafting procedures consist of the application of a solution of granulated bone material, growth factors, and other healing agents in the areas of your jaw that lack the right amount or quality of bone.


There are several bone and soft tissue grafting treatments available to meet each one of our patient’s needs, including:


Ridge Augmentation


If the alveolar ridge bone, a special type of bone surrounding and supporting teeth, has deteriorated or lost density, ridge augmentation may be required to widen or heighten the jaw in preparation for the placement of dental implants. During ridge expansion, the alveolar ridge is surgically split, and bone graft material is inserted.


Sinus Lift


When there is not enough bone present between the upper jaw and the sinus cavity for a successful dental implant, oral surgeons can perform a sinus lift. In this procedure, the sinus membrane is lifted and a bone graft is placed below the membrane. The graft will integrate with the bone in the jaw over several months. Once the graft has fused with the natural bone, dental implants can be placed with a much higher rate of success.

Socket Preservation


This procedure prevents bone loss and prepares for the success of an eventual dental implant by placing a bone graft into the empty socket immediately after a tooth extraction. If you have a tooth extracted but are not immediately replacing it with a dental implant, socket preservation is ideal to maintain the integrity of the empty tooth socket.


Soft Tissue Graft


If periodontal disease has caused gum recession to the extent that the gum will not line up with an implant crown placement, a soft tissue graft will be recommended. This will ensure that the gum line is uniform around the implant for a natural look. Soft tissue grafts consist of small tissue pieces taken from other areas that are surgically implanted into the desired areas. In addition to the aesthetic benefit of this procedure, it helps to stop bone loss and further recession of the gums, and it even helps reduce painful root sensitivity.


If you are having dental implants placed, bone grafting may be recommended so that your dental implants will have the proper foundation of healthy bone for long-term stability. The oral and maxillofacial surgeons at Avon Oral, Facial and Dental Implant Surgery are available to discuss your bone grafting and bone augmentation options and develop a treatment plan for you based on your oral health and condition. Please contact our front office to schedule a consultation.

Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP)


Bone morphogenetic protein is a type of protein found naturally in our bodies that helps stimulate new bone growth. This material can be synthesized and used in bone grafting and augmentation procedures to increase the jaw bone support required for a stable dental implant placement.


When BMP is used, an additional procedure to harvest bone is unnecessary because the sample comes from your own body. BMP has been used in oral surgery to expedite healing and improve the clinical outcome of surgical procedures.


If BMP is being used to supplement your bone grafting or oral surgery procedure, your surgeon will harvest a small amount of bone. Your surgeon mixes the protein solution with water, adds it to a sponge-like collagen material, and places it over the area of bone that requires additional support.


The combined materials stimulate and support bone growth. Both the BMP and the collagen sponge will dissolve as the BMP creates new natural tissue and bone during a healing process of several months. After the new bone has finished growing into the area, your jaw will be ready to support a successful dental implant.

Types of Anesthesia

Our surgeons offer a variety of anesthesia and sedation options so that patients remain as comfortable as possible.

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